Lo shu Grid Missing Numbers Remedies in Hindi
दोस्तों अगर आपको अभी तक नही पता है कि Lo shu Grid Missing Numbers क्या है? लोशु ग्रिड में Missing numbers और उनके उपाय क्या है? तो आज की इस पोस्ट में मैं Lo shu Grid Missing Numbers Remedies के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी देने वाली हूँ। अतः इसके उपाय के लिए कृपया Missing Numbers Remedies in Lo shu Grid पोस्ट को ध्यान से पूरा पढ़ें…

Lo shu Grid के प्रत्येक खाने मे एक नंबर होता है जो कि उस खाने के ग्रह को दर्शाता है । प्रत्येक कॉलम या पंक्ति मे इन अंकों की मौजूदगी से व्यक्ति के विशेष गुणों की पहचान होती है । अपनी जन्म-तिथि मे जो भी अंक हैं उसी के अनुसार हम अपनी विशेषताओं को पहचान सकते हैं ।
लोशु ग्रिड में Missing numbers या अनुपस्थित अंक :
लोशु ग्रिड में सभी अंकों का होना संभव नही होता है। कोई न कोई अंक अनुपस्थित होता है। यदि लोशु ग्रिड में कोई अंक अनुपस्थित होता है तो उस अंक की विशेषताओं से हम वंचित रह जाते हैं। सभी नौ अंक किसी भी व्यक्ति को प्राप्त नहीं होंगे। Lo shu grid में शताब्दि अंक लेने पर भी पूरे नौ अंक प्राप्त नहीं होते। किसी अंक का Lo shu grid में ना होना Missing number कहलाता है।
लोशु ग्रिड में Missing numbers और उनके उपाय (Lo shu Grid Missing Numbers Remedies)
इस पोस्ट में आप यह जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे की अगर आपके Numerology और Lo shu grid में कोई अंक मिसिंग है तो कौन से उपाय करने से आपकी समस्याओ का समाधान हो सकता है। Lo shu grid में किसी भी अंक के न होने का प्रभाव निम्नलिखित हैं :
Missing Numbers Remedies in Lo shu Grid:
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 1 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 1
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 1 in Lo shu Grid
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 2 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 2
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 2 in Lo shu Grid
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 3 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 3
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 3 in Lo shu Grid
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 4 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 4
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 4 in Lo shu Grid
अगर 4 नंबर नहीं है तो तुलसी की माला पहनें। हमेशा लकड़ी का पेन अपने साथ रखें।
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 5 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 5
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 5 in Lo shu Grid
अगर 5 नंबर नहीं है तो हरे रंग का रुमाल अपने साथ रखे। क्रिस्टल का ब्रेसलेट पहने। गाय को हरा चारा खिलाए।

मिस्सिंग नम्बर 6 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 6
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 6 in Lo shu Grid
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 7 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 7
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 7 in Lo shu Grid
अगर 7 नंबर नहीं है तो कुत्ते को गुड़-रोटी दे। भगवान गणेश की पूजा करनी चाहिए।
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 8 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 8
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 8 in Lo shu Grid
अगर 8 नंबर नहीं है तो मास और शराब आदि का सेवन न करें। मजदूरों और अपने से नीचे के लोगों का सम्मान करें।
मिस्सिंग नम्बर 9 : Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 9
उपाय : Remedies For Missing Number 9 in Lo shu Grid
Conclusion :
दोस्तो, इस पोस्ट में मैंने आपको “लोशू ग्रिड में कोई अंक मिसिंग हो तो क्या उपाय करे ( Lo shu Grid Missing Numbers Remedies)” के बारे में बताया। यदि ये पोस्ट आपको पसंद आये तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना ना भूले। अगर इस पोस्ट को लेकर आपका कोई सवाल या सुझाव हो तो कृपया हमें comment करें। इस पोस्ट को पढ़ने के लिए आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।
लोशू ग्रिड में कितने वर्ग होते हैं?
लोशू ग्रिड में 9 वर्ग होते हैं। लोशू ग्रिड के 9 वर्ग 9 ग्रहों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं।
लोशु ग्रिड में Missing numbers क्या होता है ?
किसी अंक का Lo shu grid में ना होना Missing number कहलाता है।
लोशू ग्रिड में कोई अंक अनुपस्थित होने से क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है ?
यदि लोशु ग्रिड में कोई अंक अनुपस्थित होता है तो उस अंक की विशेषताओं से हम वंचित रह जाते हैं।
My DOB 20/3/1969
The detail analysis of your DOB is required with some remedies and favourable name suggestions.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
Your mulank is 2 and bhagyank is 3.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may use the suggested name as name-plate, email-id or wherever id proof is not required.
Mam sadar naman…mam my DOB 13/06/1978 ha .. please suggest me what can we do …20 saal se business kar raha hu per koi progress nahi ha bhout pareshan hu
prediction and remedies pls
Your mulank is 2 and bhagyank is 1.
The detail analysis of your DOB is required with some remedies and favourable name suggestions.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
Your mulank is 8 and bhagyank is 4.
The detail analysis of your DOB is required with some remedies and favourable name suggestions.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
Your mulank is 3 and bhagyank is 1.
The detail analysis of your DOB is required with some remedies and favourable name suggestions.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
Your mulank is 4 and bhagyank is 5.
The detail analysis of your DOB is required with some remedies and favourable name suggestions.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
Your mulank is 5 and bhagyank is 3
The detail analysis of your DOB is required with some remedies and favourable name suggestions.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion (by altering the spelling of your name) and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
30 January 2013
Name: Aaday Rawat
Planning to change name Aadya Singh Painwal
Please suggest
8 March 1982
8 March 1982
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
To be successful in life, you should take support of your name number, by altering the spelling of your name.
For the detail analysis of your DOB (by Loshu Grid + horoscope) with the favourable name suggestion and the required remedies, please click the following link :
You may also message me using the WhatsApp number mentioned in the given link.
My DOB is 19111970. Random number is 3.
Please analyse my future. Whatapp 9411109501
Good science. We learn many things this way… What we lack that we cultivate.We ommit defects once we know about…🙏
Very helpful